Hide and Seat
Hide and Seat

TVR 350i

I've always had a soft spot for TVRs, so when the opportunity arose to work on this stunning 350i, I couldn't say no!

The front seats were originally vinyl with velour centre panels, but the years hadn't been kind and the velour now resembled an old, worn out teddy bear. So the owner and I put our heads together and decided to use leather for everything.

The outer sections have been retrimmed in Aurora Deer leather (that's the name of the colour, by the way) as it was the closest match to the original vinyl - the dashboard and doorcards may be trimmed in the future but, for now, it was just the seats and centre console. To replace the velour centres, we decided to use a leather that was a reasonable match for the brown carpets, so Aurora Redwood leather was used there.

All the piping was made using the same Redwood leather and any topstitching was completed using a thread to complement that colour.

Once everything was refitted, any shade difference between the original trim and the new leather was minimal to say the least! The owner's very happy and already has one eye on revamping the rest of the cabin...

TVR 350i leather retrim. TVR 350i leather retrim. TVR 350i leather retrim. TVR 350i leather retrim. TVR 350i leather retrim. TVR 350i leather retrim. TVR 350i leather retrim. TVR 350i leather retrim. TVR 350i leather retrim. TVR 350i leather retrim. TVR 350i leather retrim. TVR 350i leather retrim.


Hide N Seat Auto Interiors
Unit 25
Furnace Industrial Estate
Byerley Road
County Durham
United Kingdom
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